15 Jan

Taking my act on the road

What is the future of public relations? Is there one secret or are there multiple best practices that are being developed and refined? I’d like to think the latter. And I’d like to think that I’m contributing to the advancement of the practice of public relations.

As I sit here writing these words, I realize I have a lot of learning, a lot of growing and a lot of room to improve. In my former life, I was a reporter. I covered the gamut from high school sports, county government, education and cops & crime. A far cry from high-tech PR.

But that’s the path I’ve chosen. It’s brought me to some great companies and I have learned a lot.

And now it’s time to continue that education.

I am happy to announce that I am joining the global PR firm Waggener Edstrom as a member of its SWAT Team.

A new opportunity

Now a new era of opportunity begins. I am joining a renowned firm and will be working with Microsoft on a variety of projects. I get to further my education while working alongside some of the brightest minds in the public relations space. Leaders such as Tac Anderson, innovators such as Micheal Foley and a myriad of bloggers on the official Waggener Edstrom blogs (maybe they’ll let me post there occasionally) will be my coworkers and that has me pretty jazzed.

I know that agency life can be different and the company is quite a bit larger than others I’ve worked for. But that’s all part of the adventure. I’m hoping to add some value to WE and its clients. I’ve met a few of my future teammates and I think that there’s a lot of room for ass kicking.

So, this has been an exciting few weeks for me. First the announcement of Baby Berto and now this. On to rock 2010…

18 thoughts on “Taking my act on the road

  1. Mona, Allison & Julie Anne:

    Thank you for taking the time to stop by and offer your thoughts. This time next week I’ll be getting thoroughly lost in WE’s Bellevue office…

  2. WHOOOAAAA Eric, that’s AMAZING! That totally kicks butt. Congratulations and I know you’re going to tear it up. Keep me looped in on all your adventures.

    So proud!


  3. I think working for an agency is going to be a lot more diverse in the challenges you’ll face. To me that sounds exciting. Congratulations again on landing what sounds like a great opportunity.

    And SWAT sounds bad ass. I hope you get a jacket that says SWAT. (I also hope Chubbs gets a matching one.) See if you can get me one too.

    1. Thanks everybody. I think it’s time to change my commenting system so I can reply to each person and have them nest like they’re supposed to. Anyway, you guys are all awesome. I appreciate you taking the time to stop by and share your thoughts with me.

  4. Congratulations, buddy! WE’s lucky to have you. And more importantly, congrats on the baby!! Mine are all “growed up” now. Cherish every moment, even the tough ones, and be prepared for childhood to fly by in the blink of an eye. Srsly. πŸ™‚

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